E14 – How to develop courage and use it for decision making

This week Kristian talks about courage, looking at what it means in a business sense and how to develop it. 

Nelson Mandala “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” 

E13 – The Secrets About Goals and How to leverage their power

This week Kristian Livolsi talks about goal setting, why goals matter, where people commonly go wrong in their goal settings and he shares a couple of secrets he’s learned along his business journey. If you are new to the podcast we would advise going back to last week’s episode; Who are you? An insight into […]

E12 – Who Are You : Purpose, Leadership and Bravery

This week Kristian Livolsi talks about purpose, leadership and bravery, taking a deep dive into what you purpose is, why you should find it and how it will change your life, personally and professionally. Drawing on experiences and sharing some very personal moments Kristian unpacks his own purpose to help our listeners understand how they […]

Who Are You? An Insight into Purpose and Leadership

The importance of a clearly defined purpose is widely acknowledged, however, it is not always easy to clearly define what your purpose is. When you know what your purpose is, you understand the meaning behind everything you do. 

‘It is the choice to bring who we are – our gifts and energies – to whatever we are doing. The purpose is a cradle-to-grave, 24/7, moment-to-moment choice in our daily lives.’ 

R Leider

E11 – Change; challenges, resistance, models and secrets

Today I talk about change, the challenges, the resistance and the models that can help you negotiate the often treacherous path to creating a change environment, especially during challenging times.  During a change process, you need to win the hearts and minds of the people. Imposing change on people is fraught with challenges which inevitably […]

E10 – Value Creation Through Strategy

Business Growth Mindset - Value Creation through Strategy by Kristian Livolsi Cover Image

Today’s episode is all about Value Creation Through Strategy. Kristian Livolsi will explain what strategic thinking is, the benefits of a strategic plan and the strategic planning process for an SME. We take a deep dive on how to strategically think and if you think this is something you can’t do, think again, this is […]